Thursday, May 21, 2009

drugs/smoke effect human circulatory system.

The smoke effects the circulatory system by going through the artery’s and clogging them up. The artery’s are clogged up so the circulatory system does not work as well Causing you to not breath as good. Making you not live as long in life.


  1. Hi Ryan, I was wondering what it is that's in the arteries, because smoke is just a gas...can you learn a little more about that? And, I've heard that there's some link between arteries and blood pressure. Learn about that and then find out how smoking affects bp. Finally, talk about your picture in your next post.

  2. thats so cool Ryan i knew smoking was bad for you but i was wondering why, now my question is answered

    P.S. awesome pic

  3. Like levi i was slos wondering the same question how it effect you. But i was wondering what drugs and smokes effect you the most what ones dont as much

  4. dylan there is not much that makes it speed up much more that smoke but there is some ways that you can lower it. Such as quit smoking and having alot of activity like 30-1hr a day.

  5. dude there's also those nicatine things that you breath use just like a cigarrete until you end up quiting or you just chew that nicotine gum!

  6. ya thats right im right that is the best way to quit smoking

  7. ya that is a good way to quit smoking. then when you quit smoking it will lower your blood peressure causing the plaque to decrease.

  8. Nice blog the best i've seen so far, I have also been wondering how does smoking affect you just like levi, thanks to you i learned something new today! :) check out my blog

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. is there any way to sugically remove the artiac plaque or not give me answer please
